The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom changes a lot about the traditional formula the series is known for. For one, we’re playing as Zelda instead of Link, which means using magic over melee most of the time, as well as mixing up delicious smoothies. Of course, one thing that may never change is the hidden pieces of heart. These collectibles are perhaps the most valuable in any Zelda game. Collecting four of these will give you an additional heart container to increase your maximum HP permanently. Since you only start with three hearts and can get seven more by beating the main dungeons, the remaining half of your possible HP is locked behind finding these heart pieces. There are a ton to find, so let’s mount up and track them down as fast as possible so you can get back to the adventure.
Every heart piece location in Echoes of Wisdom
Zelda’s maximum HP in Echoes of Wisdom is 20 hearts, which means there are a daunting 40 heart pieces to find. They can be rewards for sidequests or solving puzzles, or could just hidden around the world.
Heart Piece 1
The first piece of heart is right at the start of the game in the water of Suthron Beach. Place an object in the water to jump on to reach it.
Heart Piece 2
After finding the last piece, enter the cave surrounded by sea urchins. When you come across this climbable wall, use a rock to break the boxes to reach the heart.
Heart Piece 3
Inside the cave at the southwest side of Zora Cove, go down to the second level and extinguish all the torches in the room to open the gate to the heart.
Heart Piece 4
Swim to this location in Zora Cove and use an explosive to destroy a cracked rock to reveal the heart.
Heart Piece 5
From this point in Suthorn Forest, enter the cave and the heart piece will be visible as you climb down the ladder. Simply continue down and break through the boxes to climb up the other side.
Heart Piece 6
This piece can be purchased at the Suthorn Village Shop for a mere 80 Rupees.
Heart Piece 7
After clearing the enemies, use whatever you have to build a path up to the top of the center tower.
Heart Piece 8
Make sure you’re careful of the snowballs rolling down the mountain. This heart is on a lone pillar you can build a bridge to.
Heart Piece 9
You will need an Echo like the cloud to build a way over the lava here to reach the heart on a spit of rock.
Heart Piece 10
From the same location as the last piece, walk around the path to the northeast. Platform all the way across the lava pillars and go south when you hit the hot springs to find the heart.
Heart Piece 11
Go into the cave just south of this location in Faron. Once you reach the dark maze with the mushrooms, the heart is visible on its own platform just before the exit.
Heart Piece 12
You can snag this heart piece in Hyrule Field by building a staircase up to the top of the pillar.
Heart Piece 13
You will find a single piece of dirt up on the ledge here. You need to use a Holmill to dig a hole that can fall through to get the heart.
Heart Piece 14
Just take a trip behind Hyrule Castle to grab this piece of heart.
Heart Piece 15
On your way up Eldin Volcano, go all the way to the west and climb down to spot this heart.
Heart Piece 16
Just a bit south from the last piece, don’t go into the cave, but use another mole to dig a hole in the dirt square above and to the left of it.
Heart Piece 17
While you’re in the area, a bit to the east is a giant boulder you can use Bind to move and reveal a heart.
Heart Piece 18
Build a path to the center of this small lake to get an easy heart.
Heart Piece 19
Head down this ladder north of Gerudo Town and make your way through the cave. The heart piece is in the bottom right, so don’t leave without snagging it.
Heart Piece 20
At the extreme southwest corner of the map, there are several piles of sand you can blow away. One hides a heart.
Heart Piece 21
Right at the entrance of Jabul Waters are two pillars on either side of the entrance. Build around the one on the right.
Heart Piece 22
There’s always a secret behind the waterfall. You need to build up and into the pool to reach it.
Heart Piece 23
This heart piece is tied to the A Mountainous Mystery side quest on Eldin Volcano that you get from Darston.
Heart Piece 24
Head east from this point on the mountain and up on the upper-right ledge. Follow it all the way around to the heart piece.
Heart Piece 25
From the same starting point as last time, go south across the icy water. The heart piece is at the southern tip.
Heart Piece 26
At this location, you can start the Let’s Play a Game sidequest that will reward you with a piece of heart.
Heart Piece 27
While we’re doing sidequests, grab the Cotton-Candy Hunt quest at Scrubton and complete it.
Heart Piece 28
To the west of Scrubton is Deku Scrub Lockup. Go down the center staircase and continue to a room with the heart piece that you can climb up to.
Heart Piece 29
You will find the Tough Mango Plat Lab right in the middle of the desert. Talk to the owner and play Mango Rush with Ultimate seeds to win a heart piece.
Heart Piece 30
Not too far north of the last location, there’s a heart piece waiting to be picked up on a low stone pillar.
Heart Piece 31
Take part in the Flag Race at the ranch and beat the middle course to win a piece of heart.
Heart Piece 32
Probably the easiest one to get, it is resting on a tree stump here.
Heart Piece 33
Go inside Cande’s House on Herba Mountain to begin the Snowball Magic sidequest.
Heart Piece 34
Speak to the child in Hyrule Castle to pick up the An Out-There Zol sidequest.
Heart Piece 35
An acorn-wearing dude will offer an acorn-collecting minigame. Do it fast enough and you will win a piece of heart.
Heart Piece 36
This is a lengthy sidequest, but the Wild Sandstorms quest from Gerudo Town is your path to this piece of heart.
Heart Piece 37
Head into the cave in this corner of the wetlands. At the far-right end, use clouds to go all the way up the wall on the left and over the top to find the heart.
Heart Pieces 38 + 39
These two are both rewards for doing the Slumber Training in Kakariko.
Heart Piece 40
And our last heart piece is your treasure for beating The Zappy Shipwreck sidequest.
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