Love crossword puzzles but don’t have all day to sit and solve a full-sized puzzle in your daily newspaper? That’s what The Mini is for!
A bite-sized version of the New York Times’ well-known crossword puzzle, The Mini is a quick and easy way to test your crossword skills daily in a lot less time (the average puzzle takes most players just over a minute to solve). While The Mini is smaller and simpler than a normal crossword, it isn’t always easy. Tripping up on one clue can be the difference between a personal best completion time and an embarrassing solve attempt.
Just like our Wordle hints and Connections hints, we’re here to help with The Mini today if you’re stuck and need a little help.
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Below are the answers for the NYT Mini crossword today.
NYT Mini Crossword answers today
- Format for many e-signed documents – PDF
- Aspirations – GOALS
- “This thesaurus is awful. Not only is it awful, it’s also ___!” (joke) – AWFUL
- Southpaw, by another name – LEFTY
- Deli bread variety – RYE
- Word after flower or fire – POWER
- Looney Tunes character with the catchphrase “You’re dethpicable!” – DAFFY
- What you might blow in, when you’re blowin’ in the wind? – FLUTE
- Actress Gadot – GAL
- Adjective for a fox – SLY
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